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Network Management and Operations Status Data Publication Service (NMO SDP) Development
NWS WINS WCS Gridded Data Products

The National Weather Service (NWS) Weather Information Network Service (WINS) Web Coverage Service (WCS) Gridded Data Products service provides both single request and subscription access to gridded weather data and allows the user to query the data using spatial and temporal filtering. 

NWS WINS WFS Non Gridded products

The National Weather Service (NWS) Weather Information Network Service (WINS) Web Feature Service (WFS) Non-Gridded products service provides both single request and subscription access to non-gridded weather data and allows the user to query the data using spatial and temporal filtering.

Put Static SAA

The Put Static SAA service provides the capability to insert or update the static legal definition of a Special Activity Airspace (SAA) to the National Airspace System Resources (NASR).

Remote Maintenance and Logging System (RMLS) Proposed
SAA Operational Schedule

The Special Activity Airspace (SAA) Operational Schedule service is a Web Service that provides the ability to update SAA operational schedules and status information as well as disseminate them to users of the service.

SAA Schedule Notification

The Special Activity Airspace (SAA) Schedule Notification service is an asynchronous Java Message Service (JMS) publish/subscribe service that provides notifications of SAA schedule events, and upcoming SAA activations.

Static SAA Updates Notification

The Static SAA Updates Notification service is a Java Message Service (JMS) publish/subscribe (pub/sub) service that provides notifications for when a Special Activity Airspace (SAA) definition is added or updated.

STDDS Airport Data Service (APDS)

The SWIM Terminal Data Distribution System (STDDS) Airport Data Service (APDS) publishes Runway Visual Range (RVR) data to consumers. Data includes runway visibility and trend for touchdown, midpoint and rollout, depending on the instrumentation for the runway. 

STDDS Airport Data Service – R6.1 (APDS)

The SWIM Terminal Data Distribution System (STDDS) Airport Data Service (APDS) publishes Runway Visual Range (RVR) data to consumers. Data includes runway visibility and trend for touchdown, midpoint and rollout, depending on the instrumentation for the runway. 

