Federal Aviation Administration
NAS Service Registry and Repository (NSRR)
Service Name | Lifecycle Stage |
Aeronautical Common Services Data Query (ACS-DQ) The Aeronautical Common Services Data Query (ACS-DQ) service allows a consumer to submit queries and returns Special Use Airspace (SUA), schedules and Notices to Air Missions (NOTAMs) that match the query. |
Production |
Aeronautical Common Services Data Subscription (ACS-DS) The Aeronautical Common Services Data Subscription (ACS-DS) service allows consumers to subscribe to notifications of updates to aeronautical information. Consumers can use this service to create and manage their subscriptions. |
Production |
Aeronautical Common Services Web Feature Service (ACS-WFS) The Aeronautical Common Services Web Feature Service (ACS-WFS) v2.0 allows a consumer to submit queries to return aeronautical features (e.g., airports, navigation aids, obstacles, procedures, and NOTAMs) that match the query. |
Production |
Aeronautical Information Authoritative Source Data Service WFS (AIASDataServiceWFS) The AIASDataServiceWFS utilizes the Obstacle Authoritative Source (OAS) which will provide single sources for the maintenance of obstacle data. OAS will be integrated into the operational environment through web services and legacy system interfaces to exchange data with key systems. |
Development |
Aeronautical Information Authoritative Source Notification Service (AIASNotificationService) The Aeronautical Information Authoritative Source Notification Service supports the notification of subscribers when changes to the Obstacle Authoritative Source (OAS) occur. |
Verification |
Aircraft Hazard Area Message Service (AHAMS) The SDI Aircraft Hazard Area Service distributes coordinates and associated information that defines an area of airspace that could potentially be at risk from falling debris from an off-nominal event or will be at risk due to a planned event. |
Development |
Common Support Services Weather (CSS-Wx) The Common Support Services - Weather (CSS-Wx) Data Subscription provides Java Message Service (JMS)-based access to enhanced aviation weather data. The CSS-Wx system is capable of filtering weather data as required to meet the specific needs of individual consumer systems. Gridded weather products are encoded in Network Common Data Format, version 4 (netCDF4), and non-gridded products are available in XML using various data models such as the ICAO Weather Exchange Model (IWXXM), United States Weather Model (USWX), and FAA Weather Model (FAAWX). Subscriptions are facilitated by the NAS Enterprise Messaging Service (NEMS), via consumer queues tailored to receive required data. |
Proposed |
Credentialing and Rating Service The Credentialing and Rating Service provides information on Airway Transportation System Specialists in regards to their credential and rating authority and the rating expiration date. |
Development |
CSS-Wx Web Coverage Service (WCS) The Common Support Services – Weather (CSS-Wx) Web Coverage Service (WCS) provides request/reply access to gridded aviation weather forecast and analysis products from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the FAA’s NextGen Weather Processor (NWP). |
Production |
CSS-Wx Web Feature Service (WFS) The Common Support Services - Weather (CSS-Wx) Web Feature Service (WFS) provides request/reply access to non-gridded aviation weather forecast and analysis products from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the FAA’s NextGen Weather Processor (NWP). |
Production |